Babies need clean surroundings! Change the paper daily, maybe twice daily for ducks and geese. Check to see if waterers and feeders need to be scrubbed down. NEVER clean waterers or feeders with bleach or any other abrasive cleaner. Only use warm water and maybe very little dish soap if absolutely necessary. Only use bleach in an area if it is insed thouroughly and can be set aside for two weeks before using it again. Even if it smells like all the cleaner is off, the plastic and metal can absorb some of the cleaner. It is not safe for your birds to use that item or area for at least two weeks.
Birds should have fresh food and water every day. They should never run out of food or water. The only exception to this rule are the Cornish Cross Broilers, which require feed restriction. Please ask us for broiler information if needed.
Check all of your babies for any signs of problems. Check for picking, bloody droppings, and injured birds. If you see that a couple aren’t doing well, try separating them and working with them. Feel their craw (space at the bird’s chest) for food content. If the bird has been eating, it will feel full and gritty. Help injured and sick birds to feed and water immediately.
An appropriate example of a chick pen has feed, water, heat and the chicks are dispersed throughout the area, meaning it is neither too hot or too cold.
Live poultry can be a source of potentially harmful micro-organisms. Therefore, precautions must be taken when handling and caring for them to prevent fecal oral transmission among people. Adults must supervise children when they handle poultry to make sure that they do not put their hands or fingers into their mouth. Do not keep baby poultry or mature poultry in the family living space. Always wash your hands with soap and water after handling poultry. Estes Hatchery cannot be responsible in these circumstances.